


There is a great variety of different semiconductor lasers, spanning wide parameter regions and many different application areas:
Small edge-emitting laser diodes generate a few milliwatts (or up to 0.5 W) of output power in a beam with high beam quality. They are used e.g. in laser pointers, in CD players, and for optical fiber communications.
• External cavity diode lasers contain a laser diode as the gain medium of a longer laser cavity. They are often wavelength-tunable and exhibit a small emission linewidth.
• Both monolithic and external-cavity low-power levels can also be mode-locked for ultrashort pulse generation.
• Broad area laser diodes generate up to a few watts of output power, but with significantly poorer beam quality.
• High-power diode bars contain an array of broad-area emitters, generating tens of watts with poor beam quality.
• High-power stacked diode bars contain stacks of diode bars for the generation of extremely high powers of hundreds or thousands of watts.
• Surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) emit the laser radiation in a direction perpendicular to the wafer, delivering a few milliwatts with high beam quality.
• Optically pumped surface-emitting external-cavity semiconductor lasers (VECSELs) are capable of generating multi-watt output powers with excellent beam quality, even in mode-locked operation.
• Quantum cascade lasers operate on intraband transitions (rather than interband transitions) and usually emit in the mid-infrared region, sometimes in the terahertz region. They are used e.g. for trace gas analysis.


Allah berfirman di dalam Al Qur'an, "Sesungguhnya telah ada pada (diri) Rasulullah itu suri teladan yang baik bagimu (yaitu) bagi orang yang mengharap (rahmat) Allah dan (kedatangan) hari kiamat dan dia banyak menyebut Allah." (Surat 33. AL AHZAB - Ayat 21)


Aku anak Reformasi
menentang segala korupsi
menyanggah kolusi
sehingga aku mati

Bila ahli korporat
menjadi anjing keparat
maka di situlah aku
membuang segala yang karat

Aku anak Reformasi
menjunjung keadilan
menjulang ketelusan

Tapi apa rupa padah
bila pejuang berpaling tadah
bila semuanya adil
tetapi ada yang lebih adil

Kemana kan ku bawa diri
bila kroni silih berganti
sedang nasib rakyat tidak berubah
apabila diktator menukar jubah

Tentunya ku teruskan
membuka jalan untuk keadilan
untuk perjuangan yang takkan basi
kerana aku Anak Reformasi