
::Welcome to SSP2122 Computational Physics.::

This is a course aims at removing some of the mysteries out of using a computer to do meaningful physical calculation. Students will be introduced to a number of basic methods on how to investigate common introductory physics problems using the fast calculator commonly known as computer.

Students will be taught basic computer programming using Java language in Linux or Windows environment.

Result of calculation will be printed to screen for immediate inspection. Large output then can easily be redirected to a file in the hard disk and using a command line visualization program the data in the file may be plotted onto graphic screen and the graph can be saved as an image in various file format.

Students will also be introduce to ways on how to do computation across computer network and how to visualize result of computation from remote machine on local machine.

Learning outcomesOn successful completion of this course, student should be able, at threshold level, to:

  • formulate and culculate simple physics problems using computer.
  • design a simple interface for interactive physics solver.
  • develope a java program for solving elementary physics problem.
Generic skill benefitted out of this courseOn participating in lab and practical assignments, student should acquire the following computer related skill;
  • hands on familiarity with unix like operating system; console command line mode and X windows GUI mode,
  • experience with working on client server environment specifically using ssh, and
  • experience with using java programming language in intergrated development environment (IDE) specifically netBean 5.x.x.


Allah berfirman di dalam Al Qur'an, "Sesungguhnya telah ada pada (diri) Rasulullah itu suri teladan yang baik bagimu (yaitu) bagi orang yang mengharap (rahmat) Allah dan (kedatangan) hari kiamat dan dia banyak menyebut Allah." (Surat 33. AL AHZAB - Ayat 21)


Aku anak Reformasi
menentang segala korupsi
menyanggah kolusi
sehingga aku mati

Bila ahli korporat
menjadi anjing keparat
maka di situlah aku
membuang segala yang karat

Aku anak Reformasi
menjunjung keadilan
menjulang ketelusan

Tapi apa rupa padah
bila pejuang berpaling tadah
bila semuanya adil
tetapi ada yang lebih adil

Kemana kan ku bawa diri
bila kroni silih berganti
sedang nasib rakyat tidak berubah
apabila diktator menukar jubah

Tentunya ku teruskan
membuka jalan untuk keadilan
untuk perjuangan yang takkan basi
kerana aku Anak Reformasi