
Wavefunction Properties

*wave speed (v) - the speed of the wave's propagation

* amplitude (A) - the maximum magnitude of the displacement from equilibrium, in SI units of meters. The amplitude is indicated in blue in the picture.

* period (T) - is the time for one wave cycle (two pulses, or from crest to crest or trough to trough), in SI units of seconds (though it may be referred to as "seconds per cycle").

* frequency (f) - the number of cycles in a unit of time। The SI unit of frequncy is the hertz
(Hz) and

1 Hz = 1 cycle/s = 1 s-1

* angular frequency (omega) - is 2pi times the frequency, in SI units of radians per second.

* wavelength (lambda) - the distance between any two points at corresponding positions on successive repetitions in the wave, so (for example) from one crest or trough to the next, in SI units of meters. The wavelength is indicated in red in the picture.

* wave number (k) - also called the propagation constant, this useful quantity is defined as 2 pi divided by the wavelength, so the SI units are radians per meter.

* pulse - one half-wavelength, from equilibrium back

Some useful equations in defining the above quantities are:

v = lambda / T = lambda f

omega = 2 pi f = 2 pi/T

T = 1 / f = 2 pi/omega

k = 2pi/omega

omega = vk

The vertical position of a point on the wave, y, can be found as a function of the horizontal position, x, and the time, t, when we look at it. We thank the kind mathematicians for doing this work for us, and obtain the following useful equations to describe the wave motion:

y(x, t) = A sin omega(t - x/v) = A sin 2pi f(t - x/v)

y(x, t) = A sin 2pi(t/T - x/v)

y(x, t) = A sin (omega t - kx) uote>


Allah berfirman di dalam Al Qur'an, "Sesungguhnya telah ada pada (diri) Rasulullah itu suri teladan yang baik bagimu (yaitu) bagi orang yang mengharap (rahmat) Allah dan (kedatangan) hari kiamat dan dia banyak menyebut Allah." (Surat 33. AL AHZAB - Ayat 21)


Aku anak Reformasi
menentang segala korupsi
menyanggah kolusi
sehingga aku mati

Bila ahli korporat
menjadi anjing keparat
maka di situlah aku
membuang segala yang karat

Aku anak Reformasi
menjunjung keadilan
menjulang ketelusan

Tapi apa rupa padah
bila pejuang berpaling tadah
bila semuanya adil
tetapi ada yang lebih adil

Kemana kan ku bawa diri
bila kroni silih berganti
sedang nasib rakyat tidak berubah
apabila diktator menukar jubah

Tentunya ku teruskan
membuka jalan untuk keadilan
untuk perjuangan yang takkan basi
kerana aku Anak Reformasi