
What Causes Waves?

1- Waves can be viewed as a disturbance in the medium around an equilibrium state, which is generally at rest. The energy of this disturbance is what causes the wave motion. A pool of water is at equilibrium when there are no waves, but as soon as a stone is thrown in it, the equilibrium of the particles is disturbed and the wave motion begins.

2- The disturbance of the wave travels, or propogates, with a definite speed, called the wave speed (v).

3-Waves transport energy, but not matter. The medium itself doesn't travel; the individual particles undergo back-and-forth or up-and-down motion around the equilibrium position.

in reference to:

"The disturbance of the wave travels, or propogates, with a definite speed, called the wave speed (v). Waves transport energy, but not matter. The medium itself doesn't travel; the individual particles undergo back-and-forth or up-and-down motion around the equilibrium position."
- Mathematical Properties of Waves (view on Google Sidewiki)


Allah berfirman di dalam Al Qur'an, "Sesungguhnya telah ada pada (diri) Rasulullah itu suri teladan yang baik bagimu (yaitu) bagi orang yang mengharap (rahmat) Allah dan (kedatangan) hari kiamat dan dia banyak menyebut Allah." (Surat 33. AL AHZAB - Ayat 21)


Aku anak Reformasi
menentang segala korupsi
menyanggah kolusi
sehingga aku mati

Bila ahli korporat
menjadi anjing keparat
maka di situlah aku
membuang segala yang karat

Aku anak Reformasi
menjunjung keadilan
menjulang ketelusan

Tapi apa rupa padah
bila pejuang berpaling tadah
bila semuanya adil
tetapi ada yang lebih adil

Kemana kan ku bawa diri
bila kroni silih berganti
sedang nasib rakyat tidak berubah
apabila diktator menukar jubah

Tentunya ku teruskan
membuka jalan untuk keadilan
untuk perjuangan yang takkan basi
kerana aku Anak Reformasi